Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cafe grEAT for Cuppa Thursday.

Cuppa Thursday really is such a treat. It seems like coffee shops here in Hapjeong have been doing remodeling or maybe just Spring redecorating. First Byoung A Ri Kong and then Cafe grEAT closed for a couple of days. They used to have a little patch of grass out front that I admired, and, I think it was the next day, they paved over it. Sad, but practical. Cafe grEAT is probably the most modern style coffee shop we've visited, and it provided my new favorite Seoul iced Americano.

Cafe EAT; a grEAT trEAT. The grammar is suspect.

The menus were printed on book covers. One book was The Importance of Being Earnest. I didn't check the other.

Classy glass water bottle. I want one.

Korrine got a lemon tea, Dan got his cafe mocha, and I got my iced Americano. Korrine asked for sugar for me in Korean after we looked up the word for sugar on her cell phone. I also got some food to eat, because I couldn't eat the provided dinner that night. It was a bowl of rice, seaweed, and pork with dried seaweed squares to wrap around rice. I love that dried seaweed.

Today, Friday, was the second Happy Day at the school. They have one every month. This time they took the students out to a Korean Folk Village. They invited me to come, which was very kind. Korrine picked me up a Dah-un Jin track suit in preparation of the outing. Amazing.

And these are doughnuts. I was starting to get sad over how I can't eat fun foods, so I figured I should make myself some doughnuts. This was the first recipe I found randomly online, and it was lacking. At first I thought I was okay with that, but they weren't great, so I decided to make a real recipe from a trusted food blog.

And I'm so glad, because these turned out amazingly. Cake doughnuts instead of yeast, and this recipe included some necessary ingredients (ingredients like eggs) and steps (steps involving dough refrigeration and later paper towels) missing from my crappy recipe. Take that!



  1. I am always so impressed by restaurants that have those classy water bottles!

    That track suit is.....incredible.
