I am a netbook user, and, somehow, a netbook cord abuser. Without fail, my computer outlasts its power cord, and then you're confronted with the dilemma of replacing an 80 dollar cord or replacing a 200 dollar computer. We replaced the cord, but it came slowly from America, and then Dan forgot to check our mail for a long time, but now I have a powered netbook again and pictures from as long ago as the last blog. I also have videos lurking on devices, but I'll get to them on another day. Probably this week, though, because Dan is in Japan, and that's the only time I can get any work done around here. We still suffer the sickness curse while he's away. This time Joash got a somewhat horrifying infected diaper rash, but I treated it like a proper hippie, and he's very much on the mend.
The weather has been amazing, and we've been going out to play every afternoon. Joash expects these trips now and brings me articles of clothing throughout the day, punctuating their delivery with petitions to "go go?" Along with bringing things to me, he's become quite adept at taking things to their proper resting places. He loves to clear the table after dinner, and he has even started to sort our trash into one of our three recycling bins. We've started the descent into toilet training, and, while I can't get him to pee or poop in any potty, there are marks of progress. Today he peed on the floor when I was in the other room, and then brought me a cloth to clean it up with. He repeats most of what we say these days, and I can't help but laugh every time he asks for crackers, making a sound more like a duck's quack than a word. It makes him sad when I laugh, because, no, seriously, he wanted a cracker.
He becomes a stranger sleeper almost daily, it seems. He started out parallel with the pillow at left.
We made some green spaghetti to play with, and then it ended up being Dr. Seuss's birthday the next day. Lucky us.
Sometimes he is serious.
There is a thin vein that runs down the back of his ear. I think it's sweet.
We were looking at his grandpa's old lenses. He worked on breaking the telephoto. I stopped him. Just kidding, he only likes to muck them up. He found the shutter release on my camera and spent many minutes taking pictures of the lens cap.
Something about some of his smiles is so grown up.
We bought him a real toy at the grocery store. A set of three police cars, a book, and a ramp. He loves his cars.
Just some cuddles with my boy.
This was the day he decided he no longer needed help eating yogurt. Breakfast now requires a bib and a quick hand with a rag.
On the big potty. Nothing doing.
Some cuddles with his dad.
Leaning in.
And then poking him in the mouth like it's a normal thing to do.
Dan turned 29 on Thursday, so we made him a double layer cookie cake with sprinkles covered chocolate numbers. Joash helped determine the balance of cocoa and sugar in the frosting. I love his incongruous grumpy face.
After a fairly unsuccessful attempt at a special birthday dinner (two restaurants full up, others just plain closed in our faces), we came back and sampled the cake. Joash set to work shoving candles in Dan's face. Our dinner misfortunes made us realize that we should have been more fully honoring the date of Dan's birth, 3/14, by incorporating Pi Day into our celebration. From now on, pie for dinner, pie for dessert. Oddly enough, we ended up eating meat pies at Bob's Barbie.
Strangers give our baby pastries when he sits next to them in the subway. I don't mind.
On Friday we went for dinner with friends at On the Border.
Ben, Monica, and Katrina came from church. Our friends Greg and Karmen came too, and several of Dan's co-workers. It was very nice.
Sally is always so, so thoughtful. She brought this amazing pyrotechnic, spinning, whirring candle for Dan to blow out.
On Saturday, we took Joash out for a spin in his convertible.
They shut down this road every warm weekend for a local flea market and all manner of wheeled activities. You can rent these remote controlled and electric cars for a half hour's time and dodge crazy kids busting through like they're speedy delivering jjajangmyeon (or you can dodge actual delivery motorcyclists doing just that and maybe you say a curse at them as they drive by on this CLOSED ROAD WITH CHILDREN ALL OVER IT). Joah's joy of riding was matched only by his devastation at its ending, and we did some good, old-fashioned alleyway time outs until we walked over to the park and watched experts fly kites impossibly high in the sky.
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