Friday, August 10, 2012

Four of Dan's Instagrams from our vacation while we're overlaying in Malaysia..for 10 hours. Oh, mercy. We just sustained the worst 8 hour flight of our lives with our sick and teething 1-year-old, prefaced by the worst blowout on a metal airport bench in history. I ended up carrying him to the changing room wrapped in a newspaper. Truly he was set to have a great flight, and suddenly he came down with a fever, runny nose, cough, and the resultant discomfort. He kept wanting to sleep but not lasting for more than 15 minutes. Poor babe. But we survived, didn't we?

Swings like a big kid.

Sightseeing like a big kid.

Best-friending like a big kid.

Drying off like a big kid. A real big kid, as it was his birthday. Our baby has had a birthday! Who can believe a thing like that?

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