Wednesday, April 13, 2011


See who has awakened from her month long slumber and finally remembered to take her camera out into the Eastern world. It's me! For weeks I have burdened Dan to remind me to bring my camera when we go places-- for weeks to no avail. But we went down to Itaewon for some half priced Tuesday fish and chips with Korrine, and there I was with my camera triumphantly strapped across my person.

Another hindrance to regular blogging is that our life here has just become our life. We have normal weekend activities that take up the whole of each Saturday. We eat at home on weekdays. Dan has regular language and friend appointments two nights of the week, during which I watch Britain's Next Top Model and knit baby clothes. Lovely things all, but not terribly exciting.

2 for 1 fish and chips, though. That is exciting.

It was Saturday that I first noticed the cherry blossoms blossoming. What a great idea to have flowers bloom after Winter.

They line the streets around our apartment and are a very good excuse to go outside.

Restaurants in Itaewon have Tuesday dinner deals. We got a pair of 2 for 1 fish and chips, and Korrine and Dan also split the meatiest burger I've ever seen. I couldn't eat an inch thick beef round if my iron levels depended on it.

So yummy. It was very much like the Friday night fish fry my parents regularly attend in Florida, which made for a nice piece of nostalgia.

Less sentimental. Pig snouts. We have seen many things street side in Korea thus far, including roasted pig legs and all manner of sea edibles, but this was my first time seeing sheared off pig snout.

At our after dinner trip to Caffe Bene, we found some sad banana slices in the display. And these are plates of fake food, so someone purposefully wanted them to have sad faces. Weird.

Dan often has to watch his head. He also often forgets. Those times are regrettable.

Korrine and me after we completed our magazine browsing. For some reason, when I go to smile for pictures lately, I keep struggling with my smize. Don't I just look so tired here?

One more nighttime acknowledgement of Spring.


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